
Hannah Baillie Returns from Exchange to Scotland

Travelling to Perth, Scotland as part of the Sacred Heart Exchange Program was a wonderful experience filled with many unique moments that I will never forget. The similarities between Kilgraston School in Bridge of Earn and our own Sacred Heart School of Halifax were numerous, which was very comforting and provided a distinct sense of community despite being far from home and with people I had never met before. One of these similarities included their end of year Prize Day which was very similar in format to our Prize Day. One night, I was fortunate to take part in an authentic Scottish ceilidh where I was able to dance with the other girls from my grade. The girls had learned the steps to the extremely fast pace dances at a young age and were able to teach me the steps while violin and bagpipe music played in the background. I also had the chance to tour around Scotland with my host family. I visited the Scottish Highlands, Loch Ness, St. Andrews, and Edinburgh castle. Perhaps one of the most memorable experiences was being woken up by my shocked homestay family on June 23, 2016 - the morning after the United Kingdom voted to become independent from the European Union. The result of the Brexit vote had many people in Scotland worried and confused about the future of their country. Overall, my exchange experience was one that I will never forget, and I look forward to welcoming my host sister to Halifax in October.

Hannah Baillie, Gr. 11

(for more information on our student exchange program, please contact Mme Charlotte Riley at criley@shsh.ca)