
Sacred Heart Presents The Three Musketeers

The Sacred Heart School of Halifax

The Three Musketeers 

Feb. 4, 5, 6 at 7:00pm. 

All proceeds will support our friends in need, Janis Patrick and her family.

"All for one and one for all."


SHES Principal for the Day! Ciara MacDonald

Grade 4 student Ciara MacDonald was Principal for the Day today!  After reviewing the schedule for the day, Miss MacDonald greeted students and parents at arrival, checked in on classroom attendance, played air guitar at Liturgy class, joined faculty and staff for mid-morning coffee, met over lunch with Sister Wachter, distributed awards at Primes, and supervised recess out front.  And on top of all that she managed to keep up with her peers in class!  Thank you, Ciara and the MacDonald family for supporting our school through this Christmas Fair auction item.  I wonder who will be Principal for the Day next year?

Photos by Mr. Tugwell & Ms. O'Halloran


Feed Nova Scotia Food Weeks!

Sacred Heart students, parents and staff from all three divisions had a two week Feed People Food Week at the school. During that time, they brought in an enormous amount of food that Feed Nova Scotia picked up this morning. We are waiting to hear the weight from Feed Nova Scotia. We have all been delighted to participate in this important cause. The photo shows two boxes deep of food. Thank you to everyone who helped make it such a success!

Sacred Heart Elementary School Art Show Feb. 9th

The Sacred Heart Elementary School is holding its annual Art Show on February 9th from 6:30pm-8:00pm.  Please do drop by!

You Are Invited

You Are Invited marks the third annual art show at Sacred Heart Elementary School in Halifax.  The title of this year’s exhibition means exactly what it says: You are invited!  You are invited into these colorful hallways to view a collection of bright works that reflect a diverse community of children. You are invited to peer into each piece of artwork, to consider the delicate texture, compositions, the intent, and storylines of each piece. You are invited to engage in an ongoing appreciation of art in its many forms as a tool for self-expression and for understanding our world. You are invited to witness the agency of creativity in its many stages of growth, from its early beginnings in preschool children to its development in grade 6. As you pass through the corridors, journey through the grades, and soak it all in, you are also invited to share in the joy of creative expression.

Thank you for visiting our school and supporting these vibrant young artists!


Debating at Sacred Heart

This is a busy term for our debaters.  Four students participated in the Queen’s University Tournament in early January. 

While there they attended a hockey game and met up with the Prime Minister.  This past week-end we hosted a successful Novice Debate Workshop and at the end of the month many debaters will participate in the Dalhousie Tournament.  In February and March tournaments will take place in Truro and Middleton, and in April we look forward to hosting the 9th Donahoe Cup.

Empowering girls with confidence and skills to become leaders...

Empowering girls with confidence and skills to become leaders...

Megan Murphy, Executive Director
National Coalition of Girls Schools 

On January 23, 2015 she wrote:

The New York Times recently started running "Women at Work," a four-part series by Adam Grant and Sheryl Sandberg about women in the workplace. Grant is a professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and the author of Give and Take. Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook, is of course best known for her book Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead, which launched a national movement.

This op-ed series delves into issues that are the hallmark of an all-girls education: developing girls and young women with the confidence and skills to become leaders and empowering them to have their voices heard. Part one of the series, "When Talking About Bias Backfires," focuses on discrimination in the workplace. Part two, "Speaking While Female," touches on why women are not more outspoken at work.

In part one, Sandberg and Grant write, "When more women lead, performance improves. Start-ups led by women are more likely to succeed; innovative firms with more women in top management are more profitable; and companies with more gender diversity have more revenue, customers, market share and profits."

Based on the article's comments section, these statements and statistics were surprising to most readers. They were not, however, to me, as I imagine they aren't to you.

In part two, Grant and Sandberg suggest, "As more women enter the upper echelons of organizations, people become more accustomed to women's contributing and leading."

They raised the point that, "When President Obama held his last news conference of 2014, he called on eight reporters -- all women. It made headlines worldwide. Had a politician given only men a chance to ask questions, it would not have been news; it would have been a regular day." At the article's conclusion, the authors wondered, "...what would happen if we all held Obama-style meetings, offering women the floor whenever possible." Readers were invited to try it and share their experiences.

We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to share how the girls' school experience produces young women who help upset the gender bias by becoming leaders in the workforce and who aren't afraid to speak up.

Congratulations to Board Member Michele Wood-Tweel

Congratulations to Sacred Heart Board member Michele Wood-Tweel who will receive an honorary Doctorate from Saint Mary's University on Saturday, January 24th.

"Saint Mary’s will install Dr. Paul Sobey as Chancellor and confer honorary degrees upon four outstanding individuals during Winter Convocation ceremonies on Saturday, January 24, 2015 in the Theatre Auditorium of the University’s historic McNally building. Honorary Degree recipients are C. Mark Cleary, a leader in the Canadian construction industry, Gerry Pond, a pioneer in the information and communications technology sector; professional story-teller, Claire Miller; and Michele Wood-Tweel, President and CEO of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nova Scotia."


Lecturer & Author Katie Davis Jan. 22nd at 7pm

The App Generation
How Today’s Youth Navigate Identity, Intimacy and
Imagination in a Digital World.

Highlighting the research of Howard Gardner and Katie Davis,
“The App Generation” uncovers the drawbacks AND the benefits of
apps. The co-authors challenge us to venture beyond the ways that
apps are designed to be used and they suggest how the power of
apps can lead to greater creativity and higher aspirations. 
Katie Davis as she discusses what it means to be “app-dependent” versus
“app-enabled” and how life for today’s youth differs from life before
the digital era.


Arts, Athletics, & Recreation Centre.
1400 Oxford Street, Halifax

Katie Davis Information
"Katie Davis is an Assistant Professor at The University of Washington Information School, where she studies the role of digital media technologies in adolescents’ academic, social, and moral lives. She also serves as an Advisory Board Member for MTV’s digital abuse campaign, A Thin Line. Prior to joining the faculty at the UW iSchool, Katie worked with Howard Gardner and colleagues as a Project Manager at Harvard Project Zero, where she was a member of the GoodPlay Project and Developing Minds and Digital Media Project research teams. In addition to publishing and presenting her research in scholarly venues, Katie regularly shares her work with parents, teachers, business leaders, and policymakers in an effort to build connections between research and practice.
Katie is the co-author with Howard Gardner of The App Generation: How Today’s Youth Navigate Identity, Intimacy, and Imagination in a Digital World, which was published in October 2013 by Yale University Press. The book represents a synthesis of the research that Katie conducted with colleagues on the Developing Minds and Digital Media Project and the GoodPlay Project at Harvard Graduate School of Education. Drawing on interviews with young people, focus groups with the adults who work with them, and comparative analyses of youth’s artistic productions from 1990-2011, the book explores how today’s “digital youth” are different from the youth who grew up in a pre-digital era."
No one has failed to notice that the current generation of youth is deeply—some would say totally—involved with digital media. Professors Howard Gardner and Katie Davis name today’s young people The App Generation, and in this spellbinding book they explore what it means to be “app-dependent” versus “app-enabled” and how life for this generation differs from life before the digital era.
Gardner and Davis are concerned with three vital areas of adolescent life: identity, intimacy, and imagination. Through innovative research, including interviews of young people, focus groups of those who work with them, and a unique comparison of youthful artistic productions before and after the digital revolution, the authors uncover the drawbacks of apps: they may foreclose a sense of identity, encourage superficial relations with others, and stunt creative imagination. On the other hand, the benefits of apps are equally striking: they can promote a strong sense of identity, allow deep relationships, and stimulate creativity. The challenge is to venture beyond the ways that apps are designed to be used, Gardner and Davis conclude, and they suggest how the power of apps can be a springboard to greater creativity and higher aspirations.
Fountain Academy in action at recent basketball game.


AB vs IB Information Session Open to the Public

The Sacred Heart School Parents' Guild 

are pleased to present 

The Advanced Placement (AP)
International Baccalaureate (IB) programs

Guest speakers are 

Ms. Pauline Scott & Mr. Robert Marchand

An Information session for parents

February 5th from 8:30-9:30am

Free admission


Admitted to the Nova Scotia Barristers' Society

Congratulations to alumna, Devon Cassidy, on being admitted to the Nova Scotia Barristers' Society recently.  She will be continuing her relationship with Cassidy Nearing Berryman as an Associate Lawyer and will be assisting Mark Knox, Q.C., of Knox Law on litigation matters.  Devon is a graduate of the University of the West of England, Bristol Law School.  Devon is a graduate of Mount Allison University and completed her Masters of Law at Trinity College Dublin.


Great Time at the Oval!

Mrs. Alison Boyer, our ESL Director, shared the following insights on the trip to the Oval with our International students.

I would have to say one of the most magical days of the year is when a group of international students go skating at the Emera Oval.  Yesterday was no less special than all the other trips to the Oval. It started with all international students gathering in the front of Sacred Heart School of Halifax. This was followed by a lively walk to the Oval which was full of animated chatter.

Once we arrived, everyone crammed into the skate booth to pick figure skates or hockey skates; a big decision for many who had never been on skates! Next came putting on skates, filled with many helping each other to tighten and tie. This was made jolly with the presence of glorious music piped into the air. 

Finally, the moment came where all students entered onto the ice. For those who had never been in skates or on ice, they approached the ice with courage and good humour!! Laughter and skating antics followed. For the next hour we skated chased by magical tunes and golden laughter which sounds the same in all languages. 

In remembering the evening, I am once again humbled by the courage, tenacity and willingness to embrace something new that our international students at Sacred Heart School of Halifax show us every day!!

Good time was had by all!!

New Admissions Toolkit!

We are pleased to present our new admissions toolkit!

Have a look!


10th Anniversary of Boys' High School/Fountain Academy of the Sacred Heart!

In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Boys' High School and Fountain Academy of the Sacred Heart, we are pleased to give you a pictorial of its beginning on Inglis St. through the construction of Fountain Academy on the main campus, to the present.  It also includes pictures of the boys at various activities over the past ten years.  Congratulations to Mr. Robert Marchand, the founding Principal.

Happy Anniversary!

Opening of Fountain Academy of the Sacred Heart 

Ribbon cutting by the Fountain Family at the opening of Fountain Academy along with Sr. Mary Finlayson, RSCJ

 Dedication of The Fred George Gymnasium

First constuction crew on site to begin the building of Fountain Academy of the Sacred Heart

Rally to support the Family Campus Fundraising Campaign

Turning the sod for Fountain Academy

The first removal of the playground area to make way for construction